Home Security – Some Basics – Part 1


New homeowners often ask, “What steps are needed to make my house secure?” Here are some tips that can help you conduct your home security review. By following these tips and precautionary measures, you’ll become 6 times less likely to be the victim of a crime in your home.

Outside AppearanceThe initial impression of your home often determines if it will be a target for burglars. You want your house to appear active. Make sure the grass is mowed and the walks shoveled regularly. Your mail and newspapers should be collected even while you’re on vacation. You don’t want your grounds or shrubbery to be able to hide intruders and all tools and ladders should be kept indoors or secured. Also, light timers make a great investment to give your house that “lived in” look when you’re away.

Next: Part 2 – Perimeter Security

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