Garden Calendar – Week of Mar. 2

Stu's House - Landscaping

From Lisa Johnson, UW-Extension horticulture educator:

Houseplants: You can start fertilizing houseplants again at this time of year. Generally, you want to hold off fertilizing from December to February due to the short day length and low light levels. The extra nitrogen only encourages weak, leggy growth at that time, and the low light levels also don’t support the extra foliage very well. However, by mid-March, days are long enough to start fertilizing again. You can use synthetic water-soluble products such as Scott’s or Miracle Gro (apply as directed), or liquid organic fertilizers such as compost tea or fish emulsion. You may also use synthetic slow-release fertilizers for houseplants. These are generally sold as granules or ‘prills’ that can be sprinkled on top of the potting media and watered in. These can be very convenient, as they usually are potent between three to eight months. Some plants such as cacti and succulents need very little nitrogen, and should not be overfertilized. A feeding once every other month in April, June and August or a light application of slow-release fertilizer once a year is plenty.

Tools: It’s a good time now to take your lawn mower in to get the blades sharpened before the spring “rush.” Also check out your garden tools. A metal tool file can be used to sharpen your shovel, and steel wool can help to remove any light rust. Wear gloves to protect your hands while sharpening rusty (or non-rusty!) tools.
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