April 14 2014 0comment

Garden Calendar – Week of April 13

Tips from Lisa Johnson, Dane County UW horticulture educator:

Vegetables: Seed cool season foliage crops — lettuce, spinach, and cole crops (either indoors or starting outdoors) from the third week in April every couple of weeks through the end of May to extend the harvest. Warm-season crops such as tomatoes, basil and peppers should be started inside from seed by the second week or third week in April so they are ready to plant out by the middle to end of May, weather permitting. Don’t put warm-season crops out too soon this year!

Winter-burned evergreens: Many of these plants may need to be replaced, but don’t be too hasty to dig them out. Wait until the fourth or fifth weeks of April to see if you can see any new buds coming. If you don’t see new green buds swelling, the cause is probably lost. If you do see new buds, cut back dead tissue to within a quarter-inch of the new buds—and wait to see if they pop. New growth on yews usually starts in late May-early June, so that will be the time that the buds will open and produce new branches. A second flush of growth usually occurs in late June or early July.

Roses: Remove tops on rose cones as the weather warms to avoid a heat build-up. Usually the entire cone can be removed by the third week in April. Gradually start removing soil if you mounded it up around the canes in fall so pruning can be done by the third or fourth week of April. If a freeze is predicted as the plant leafs out, cones may need to be restored overnight.”

This week’s Outdoor Project Video is from the Today’s Home Remodeler TV series. It features the pros at Lindus Construction installing beautiful, maintenance-free LeafGuard gutters.

For more videos on home building, remodeling and maintenance, visit our website.



