March 18 2019 0comment

Is Your Home Ready For Spring?

Spring finally comes this week! Is your home ready? Here are some Home Maintenance Tips For March:

General walk through: Check for disconnected downspouts and gutter back-up and water leaks in basement.

Change/clean air filter in furnace. Check temperature and pressure gauges if you have a system with a boiler.

Check/add salt to water softener. Check fire, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

Check along roof eaves and gutters during melts for ice build-up and possible ice dams. Maintain proper drainage during melts.

Begin planning Spring and Summer projects!

A new patio is a great idea for a Spring project. In today’s video from Today’s Home Remodeler TV, host Stuart Keith meets with the pros from Kittleson Landscape who show how to install a beautiful Unilock patio.

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