April 23 2019 0comment

Preparing For Spring Storms

April showers may bring May flowers but sometimes they come with strong, damaging storms. While you can’t control what Mother Nature sends your way, you can prepare for it. Here are some tips on preparing for spring storms courtesy of AAA:

Check your surroundings. See if any trees need to be trimmed near your home or power lines. Bring outside furniture and yard items inside when a storm approaches.

Clean up after last year. Remove debris from your gutters, downspouts, drains and roof. This will help keep overflow from damaging your home’s foundation.

Call a plumber to inspect and test your sump pump. Know that a pedestal sump pump can last 25-30 years while a submersible one may only last 5-15 years.

Prepare first aid kits for your home and car. For a list of instructions and what to include, go to www.redcross.org.

Have a family plan. It should include an evacuation route, shelter location and communication arrangements.

Know your insurance coverage. Check to make sure your homeowners coverage is adequate and see if you need additional coverage like water and sewer backup or flood coverage.

What do you do if a storm does damage your home? In today’s video segment from Today’s Home Remodeler TV, host Stuart Keith and storm damage expert Andy Lindus from Lindus Construction cover the professional process for assessing a home that has recently experienced storm damage.

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