October 14 2019 0comment

Septic System Overview And Maintenance

If you live in the country, you have a septic system. And you probably take it for granted every time you flush the toilet. Here’s a septic system overview and some tips to keep it running smoothly.

Septic Tanks and Fields make up your septic system. This system is both a sewer and treatment plant. Waste is washed into the septic tank where much of it is broken down into liquids by natural bacteria. The liquids then flow out of the tank and are filtered through the drainage field.

Most septic system problems are caused by a build-up of sludge that clogs the lines into or out of the septic system, or the bacterial action needed to break down waste is slowed or stopped because of overuse of chemicals, bleach or detergents. Avoid using excessive amounts of detergents, bleach or chemicals that may kill the natural bacteria in the septic system. Use biodegradable soaps and detergents. Use septic tank/cesspool treatment twice a year to keep the bacteria in the system actively breaking down the solids. Every two or three years your septic tank should be cleaned out and the system inspected.

Learn about drain lines in today’s video from Building Wisconsin TV at the Plumbers 75 Training Center. And click here to find a quality plumber in the Madison WI area.

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