November 21 2016 0comment

Basic Plumbing Tips For Homeowners

Here are some Basic Plumbing Tips For Homeowners:

Know the location of the main water shut-off valve; it’s usually by the water meter. Also know where additional shut-off valves are for your water heater, water softener, clothes washer, dishwasher and all kitchen and bathroom sinks. Test those shut-off valves once each year to make sure they operate properly.

If you notice dripping water from any faucet or valve, it may keep your pipes from freezing short-term but have it repaired in the Spring. This not only saves water but also insures the correct operation of your water softener. If you hear a toilet “running” have it repaired or replaced for the same reason.

Purchase plumbing fixtures and faucets from a plumbing contractor who backs up the manufacturer’s warranty and provides his own warranty for workmanship. The average life expectancy for a water heater and water softener is 15 to 20 years. The life expectancy for a garbage disposer is 10 years.

Many municipalities and all private wells have hard water. Chances are your home needs a water softener. Your plumbing contractor is the most qualified to specify and install a water softener system.

Finally, have your drains cleared mechanically and inspected every 3 – 5 years to insure proper operation. Avoid using off the shelf chemicals that are ineffective and offer only a temporary solution.

Today’s video from the Today’s Home Remodeler TV series features a Whole House Plumbing Inspection. Host Stuart Keith and Plumbers Local 75 member Matt Reddeman from Pertzborn Plumbing walk through a typical home to learn about the plumbing system, where shut-offs are typically located and how to prevent a major plumbing problem before it happens.


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